Wednesday 25 November 2020

3I-Schools Best school erp software

The global educational system is experiencing rapid change and growth, in terms of innovation and technologies. 3I-Schools is providing us with the solution of all modern era educational problems. It is a blend of innovations, information and intelligence Best school erp software. 3iSchools adds fluency and pace to every task of your school beginning from admissions to results. In the middle of them it acceleates and adds perfection to fee management, time tables, examination and communication between students, parents, teachers & administration



3i-Schools has something for everyone.. still wondering what it has to offer you.......? Let just take a look at the features it provide us:-


Admission Manager:- The of the major feature of this erp solutions is to provide fully hustle free and contact less admission process specialy beneficial at the time of such pendamic,it allow us the process of online registrations, can create waiting list, rejection list and qualified list of registered students. It helps us in short-listing the candidates, upload student’s photos and certificates for speedy documentation process, not only this even it can School Management Software  assign the roll numbers and section to the students. Its is not only helpfully for new admisions not it also has Auto-promote and Re-Admission of old eligible students to new classes.


Online Admissions:-Admission is the first step towards the educational cycle, and 3I-Schools provide us a single platform for this whole process to publish, collect and manage applications online and reach out to wider audience through public portals. Students can apply from anywhere and anytime. It helps us to create eligibility criteria and effectively School Administration Software communicate it to interested stuednts and their parents.


Result Manager:-  3I-Schools offers dynamic assessment compliance and also provide comprehensive evaluations system for the school. It helps in accurate assessment process,award automatic grades to students according to grade scale. It allows us Schools management System to perform comparative analysis of assessment according to class, subjact of either teachers or students. 

 Alerter:- The one of the unique feature of this is to provide one click alerts for different fucntions and activites to all teachers, students and even parents as well. It sends fee reminders automatically to the students and parents on your scheduled days. We can also School Information Management schedule it to send a general alerts such as Holidays, Birthdays or any immediate news etc.

Smart Library:-  It is an innovative solution that is an invaluable tool for any librarian. It is designed best to catalog and search. It offers you advanced cataloging according to internationally recorganized DDC System. It provide unique book tags and smart ID cards to automate the book insurance process. It automate alery and detection of stolen books.Any memeber can send the hold request for the a book, and it even manage fine on late or no return of the book.

Attendance Tracker:- Attendance record is the major School Management Application task in any insitute of organisation so the it track and record student attendance automatically through RFID/bio-metric machine.It has the provision for onine submission and approvals of leave application. It has Auto-differentiates absentees and on leave students and teachers. It ensure complete child safety in school premises with smart ID cards. It automatically send alerts to parents in case of a child being absent from the school.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Best school erp software,School Management Software Solution,Schools Erp Software

3iSchools adds fluency and pace to every task of your school beginning from admissions to results. INNOVATIVE, INFORMATIVE & INTELLIGENT,ERP SOLUTION.

3iSchools Provide Admission Manager,Allows Pre-admission Scrutiny,Online Admission Application,Alerts and Notifications,Direct Admission,Enrollment in Class and Section,ID Card Issuance,Admission Reports.

3iSchools  Provide  Online Admission, KonnectSmart Platform,Fast and Scalable,Completely Customizable,Export/ Print Physical Copies,Sent Notifications and Alerts.

3ischools Provide Alerter,Single-Click SMS delivery,SMS/E-alerts Scheduling,Real Time Delivery Report,Unlimited Storage of Report,Automatic Admissions Alerts,Attendance Shortfall Alerts,Automatic Fees Reminders,Exam Schedule and Result.

3ischools is Provided the  Result Manager,Support for year group I to XII,Comprehensive Reporting & Statistics,Auto-Grading According to Marks,Configure Co-Scholastic Categories & Indicators,Support for Sub-Assessments in FA,Assign weightages to multiple Sub-Assessments,Comparative Graphical Assessments.

3ischools Provide Smart Library,Advanced Cataloguing,Library Member Card,Control Member Privileges,Material Reservation,Auto Copy Generation,Smart Cards & Gates.

3ischools Provide Attendance Tracker, Automatic Student Attendance,Easy Student Attendance,Staff’s Day Report,Compatible with Input Devices,Exam Scheduler Compatibility.

3ischools Provide Homework,Simple & Easy Interface,Multiple format documents,Ease of Access through web/mobile Apps.

3ischools Provide Messenger,Back Track the Whole Communication,Teacher/Parents Feedback,Schedule Meetings,No Malpractice,SMS Notifications.

3I-Schools Best school erp software

The global educational system is experiencing rapid change and growth, in terms of innovation and technologies. 3I-Schools is providing us...